Water Infusing Fruits That Benefit Your Health
Infusing water with fruit has been a growing trend for some time now. Some people are still sceptical as to whether it actually works or not. But what we do know are that the following fruits may benefit your body if you infuse them in water. Here is a list of fruit infused water that can take with you to the office.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are full of important vitamins and minerals such as iron and vitamin A, B1 and B2. They are also extremely low in calories, so great if you’re trying to lose weight. They come in many different varieties so you can choose which one you like best.
Apples are available in shops pretty much all year round, but the best time to get them, when they’re in season is around Autumn time.
Blueberries are commonly referred to as a superfood, this is because it is extremely potent with antioxidants. Blueberries are among some of the easiest fruits on the list to infuse as they require no preparation. Simply wash them and add them to your drink.
Grapefruit may not be the nicest tasting fruit in the world, but when it’s infused with water it can give it the kick of flavour that it needs. Grapefruit can leave water tasting sweet and tart. The health benefits of drinking grapefruit infused water is that it helps flush our toxins and waste from your cells.
Kiwis are full of health benefits. They can help cleanse and leave your face with a natural glow.
Lemons and Limes
Lemons and limes are among the most popular fruits to infuse in water. They taste good in both hot and cold water and offer a bunch of benefits to your digestive system, as well as helping to detox the liver.
It’s no secret that oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but a lesser known fact is that they can also help reduce the risk of stroke.
Pears are a great source of energy as they contain glucose, which your body absorbs.
Just like blueberries, raspberries are also up there with some of the quickest and easiest fruits to infuse with water, as there is minimum to no preparation involved. Not only do they taste good, they are also high in fibre.
Strawberries are also full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, potassium and iron.
Watermelon has a whole host of vitamins and minerals including vitamin B-6, magnesium and zinc.

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