Best Exercise For Pulled Muscle
Stretching is an important part of any exercise routine. It increases the flexibility of your muscles, ligaments and other soft tissue to lower your risk for injury. When you stretch, it’s important to not push yourself to the point of pain. A muscle will only stretch to a point that is comfortable, and when you exceed this limit, you can cause permanent damage to your muscles and tendons.
A professional massage can loosen the tightened ligaments and tendons of your pulled back muscles. A light massage can also help you to relax and get your mind off of the injury. However, it is important to use caution when massaging the injured area as you can re-injure yourself.
If your pain is severe or if you continue to experience discomfort after 48 to 72 hours, it may be necessary to see a doctor. Over-the-counter NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can reduce both pain and inflammation.
Light Activity
It’s a good idea to keep moving lightly as soon as you can. Studies have shown that doing so increases blood flow to the injured muscles and promotes healing. Light activity can include walking, doing chores, light weight training, yoga, and pilates.
Depending on the severity of your pulled muscle, doing these activities may help to ease pain and prevent additional strain on the injury. It’s also a good idea to see a medical professional for any severe injuries, like a broken bone or ligament tear.
When you first injure a muscle it’s important to rest and not perform any exercises until the pain subsides. This is because if you continue to exercise and overwork your muscles, you will likely cause more damage and prolong recovery. However, light stretching and gentle movement can help speed healing and increase blood flow to the area. It is also helpful to take pain medication if needed.

Liam is dedicated to writing clear and concise news pieces, along with helpful guides aimed at simplifying everyday challenges.